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Showing posts from July, 2018

Aditya Mandal

Cybersecurity is Cybersecurity is stretched thin. We all know it, so why state it again?   Because cybersecurity is thinner today than yesterday. Because many keep repeating the same measures that don’t work. And because there actually is a solution. Facts are undeniable: More cybercriminals today than yesterday, with more powerful tools than yesterday More software today than yesterday - in every organization Faster software deployment cycles than before, introducing software and new vulnerabilities faster An increased dependency on third-party software - elevating software supply chain risks As Zero Trust reminds us, no protective boundaries any longer Budget sufficiency but staff shortage in every security team There is a solution. We can make software more secure. We can bring down cyber risk. This will improve employment safety for CISOs, CIOs and CEOs. Budgets don’t have to be doubled. In fact, within existing budgets we are already closing the gap. No way! That’s wha